
supporting 125,000 Americans waiting for organs – priceless.

Volunteers make it happen

If any runner or walker lives within 50 miles of the course, two volunteers, age 16 or older, must register by April 15 and fulfill a 4-5 hour shift (thank you – even at 2 am – ouch!) or the team will be disqualified. Volunteers are welcome to participate without a team affiliation (extra thank you). Many GGR volunteers return for years.

Research indicates volunteering/serving others increases life satisfaction/happiness more than pleasure or accomplishment.
Spread happiness – bring your special talent to GGR.

Volunteer Registration Essentials

  • Register before April 15. Select your team from the drop down list (visible after entry fee is processed). Choose unaffiliated if not affiliated with a team (extra thank you).
  • Assignments are made as volunteers register. Shifts disappear when filled.
  • Volunteer assignments are listed by location with shift time.
    S = Start, CrossWalk Church, 2590 First St., Napa
    Exchanges 1-35, Course Map for address
    ColA-D = Canada College cafe, 4200 Farm Hill Blvd, Redwood City
    F = Finish, Shaffer Road at Delaware Ave., Santa Cruz
  • Volunteers may change a shift from shifts remaining in drop down list.
  • Optional: create a fundraising page to tell your team or volunteer story.

Volunteer choices/duties

Pre GGR (Wed pm, Redwood City): load trucks.
Start Set up (Fri, CrossWalk Church, 2590 First St., Napa): booths/banners/goody bags.
Start (Sat, Napa): staff booths/clean/load trucks.
Exchanges 1-35 (Sat, Napa to SF; Sun, SF to Santa Cruz): make it safe.
ColA-ColD (Sat evening to Sun morning, Canada College cafe): cook/serve/clean.
Finish (Sun, Santa Cruz): set up/staff booths/cook/serve/clean/load.
Post GGR (Mon, Redwood City): unload trucks, clean.

Exchange volunteers make it safe

  • Think safety (wear provided reflective vest). Expect distracted driving.
  • Require participants to stay off road and away from Exchange.
  • With no road closures, traffic control or aid stations, participants and drivers must obey the CA Vehicle Code. Volunteers may not direct traffic.
  • Record rule/safety violations on phone, view instructions.
  • Assist Active Vans (waiting for runner/walker) to exchange parking. Do not allow parking on road shoulders forcing participants into traffic.
  • Resting Vans (no active runners/walkers) may only park in Exchanges 6,12,18,24,30.
  • Request quiet at night near residential areas.
  • Clean Exchange. Encourage Trashing the Competition, Not the Course.
  • Be safe, make it fun, spread happiness by doing good things. Thank you.

Volunteer Comfort

  • Bring: hat, phone (for rule violations), snack, sunscreen, sunglasses, water
  • At night add: flashlight, hat (reduces glare of headlights), jacket
  • DO NOT BRING: Alcohol, Children, Headphones, Pets
  • Provided: reflective vest, cones (for Exchange), trash bags, potty or bathroom, thank you gift