Organs R Us (ORU)

FOUNDED IN 1995, ORU promotes healthy organs and pledges to:
1 Protect organs with exercise and nutrition. Request a physician speaker on fitness,
    nutrition physiology and/or deprescription (stopping pills).
2 Increase organs for transplant for millions worldwide with organ failure,
3 Encourage countries to require organ donation unless citizens Opt-out,
4 Support genetically matched organs eliminating need for organ donors.

Since 1995, the transfer of the baton between teammates has symbolized the transfer of an organ from donor to recipient. Although 95% favor organ donation (US), only 40% register and 20% tell their families. Save a life by discussing your wishes with your family.

In the long run (or walk), organ donors save lives.

Thank you for giving back

Create a team ORU fundraising page to amplify the organ donation message.
Raise $1,200/team ($100/person) to waive volunteer requirement.
Raise $3,600/team ($300/person) for VIP benefits: team dinner with physician speaker, gifts, gift certificates, more.
Top fundraisers: Adobe, Sponge Bob, Gainspeed, Netapp, Know Us By The Trail of Drugs.
Contact ORU to run/walk for a transplant candidate.

Spread the organ donation message with

corporate Charitable Matching, an auction, bake sale, bar night, casino night, dance, dinner, garage sale, lecture (speakers available), night at the races or raffle.
Sample email text: Dear …,
On (date), I will run/walk from Napa Valley, across the Golden Gate Bridge (at midnight!) to the beach on (team name) with 11 friends. During the Golden Gate Relay (GGR), passing the baton to my teammate symbolizes the transfer of an organ from donor to recipient. The GGR is dedicated to organ recipients, donors and 125,000 Americans waiting for organs.
Discussing your wishes regarding organ donation with your family allows loved ones to make an informed decision if you become a potential donor.
PS Please run, walk, volunteer, donate online (include link to team story) or send a tax-deductible check (with team name) payable to Organs R Us, 570 El Camino Real, Suite 150-330, Redwood City, CA 94063.

Dedicate Your Run/Walk to:

Mark Hubenette (8/11/71-6/29/19)
Growing up in Kenwood, CA with cystic fibrosis, Mark wore cowboy boots and dreamed of the open range. His studies at Sacramento State were interrupted with a gift of new lungs on 10/26/97. With more oxygen in his blood, Mark completed school, worked as a park ranger, FEMA inspector and in Sonoma Search and Rescue. With his wife Kimberly, Mark camped, rode motorcycles through the desert, traveled and worked on his 1967 Bronco. With support of Mark’s family and friends, Sonoma Rotary Lung Lovers will dedicate their GGR adventure to Mark.

Justin’s Heart Runs Well
When Justin Wang (born 10/20/02) was rushed to the hospital at age two with swelling, fever and vomiting, doctors found his white cells attacking his heart (Loeffler endocarditis). After a Bidirectional Glenn procedure at age 4, Justin’s heart failure improved and he began cooking. On 4/27/17, Justin’s life was transformed by receiving a new heart. In addition to writing a cookbook, Justin swims, exercises and has started running. With support from Burn run club GGR teams, Justin shares the need for organ donors.

Ken Van Oeveren’s Body Ran a Marathon Daily to Survive
until he received a kidney on 1/25/19. After working as a nuclear power plant engineer in Florida for 20 years, Ken (born 5/4/47 in Cleveland, Ohio), worked in San Francisco for Ventex. Although arthritis medications damaged his organs, Ken continued his 50-year career as a firefighter. Ken will greet runners at the Dry Creek Lokoya Fire Station (GGR exchange 3) in Napa. California firefighters run to celebrate Ken’s new arrival.

Justin Joseph (JJ) Yu (4/18/95 – 3/21/17)
Although JJ had four heart surgeries before he was six for Tetralogy of Fallot, he fought crime as batman, played piano/guitar and sang in the choir at Foothill High (Pleasanton, CA). After JJ was evaluated for a heart transplant at 14, he published nine apps on the Apple App store. After a Babson College accounting degree, JJ was offered a position at Price Waterhouse. After returning home from Shanghai in 2017 with a virus, JJ passed from respiratory/heart failure. JJ’s family celebrates his life through the GGR.